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7.1 CCITT: Recommendation 1.120: Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDNs). Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.2 Schweizer, L Planning aspects of quantizing distortion in telephone networks. Telecommun. J. 48 (1981) 32-36.

7.3 Schweizer, L.: Begriffe der Digitalsignal-Ubertragungstechnik, Bezeichnungen und Ab-kiirzungen der DBP. In: Digitale Ubertragungstechnik, Ppstleitfaden 6/5-1II. Heidelberg: Deckers Verlag, G. Schenk 1983.

7.4 CCITT: Recommendation G.711: Pulse code modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.5 CCITT: Recommendation G. 113: Transmission impairments. Red BoQk, Vol. III. I, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.6 CCITT: Recommendation G.702: Digital hierarchy bit rates. Red Book, Vol. 111.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.7 CCITT: Recommendation G.703: Physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.8 CCITT: Reopmmendation G.733: Characteristics of primary PCM multiplex equipment operating at 1544kbit/s. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.9 CCITT: Recommendation G.732: Characteristics of primary multiplex equipment operating at 2048 kbit/s, sowie

Recommendation G.735: Characteristics of primary multiplex equipment operating at 2048 kbit/s and offering digital access at 384 kbit/s and/or synchronous digital access at 64 kbit/s. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.10 Driigh, P.; Senft, R.: Digitalsignaliibertragung mit 2 Mbit/s auf Orts- und Bezirkskabeln. telcom rep 2 (1979), Beih. „Digital-Ubertragungstechnik", S. 85-89.

7.11 ITU Publication Optical fibres for-telecommunications. Genf: ITU 1984.

7.12 Geckeler, S . Lichtwellenleiter fiir die optische Nachrichteniibertragung. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer 1986 (327 S.).

7.13 Mahlke, G., Gossing, P.: Lichtwellenleiterkabel: Grundlagen, Kabeltechnik, Anlagen-planung. Berlin, Munchen: Siemens AG 1986 (266 S.).

7.14 telcom rep. 6 (1983), Sonderh. „Optische Nachrichtentechnik" (219 S.).

7.15 Valentin, R.: Ausbreitungsprobleme bei der Ubertragung von Digitalsignalen iiber Richtfunk (II). fernmelde prax. 59 (1982) 244-252.

7.16 Schweizer, L.: Performance of terrestrial and satellite 64 kbit/s paths: requirements of voice and data, and standards of the future Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). IEEE Internat. Conf on Commun., Boston, 1983. Conf. Rec, Vol. 1, pp. 23-27.

7.17 CCITT: Recommendation G.921: Digital sections based on the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.18 Franaszek, P. A.: Sequential-state coding for digital transmission. Bell Syst. Techn. J; 47 (1968)143-157.

7.19 SchoUmeier, G.: Die TeilnehmeranschluCtechnik im ISDN, telcom rep. 8 (1985) Sonderh. „Diensteintegrierendes Digitalnetz ISDN", S. 21-26.

7.20 Bocker, P.; Datenubertragung, Band I: Grundlagen, 2. Aufl. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer 1983. S. 219-235.

7.21 CCITT: Recommendation G.165: Echo cancellers. Red Book. Vol. III.l, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.22 Preibisch. H.: Die Digitalsignal-Richtfunksysteme im 15-GHz-Bereich. fernmelde prax. 59(1982) 935-944.

7.23 telcom report 9 (1986), Sonderh. „Nachrichtenubertragung auf Funkwegen" (485 S.). 24 CCITT: Recommendation G 704: Functional characteristics of interfaces associated

with network nodes. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985. 7 25 Klink, D.: Das System PCM 480. In: Digitale Ubertragungstechnik, Postleitfaden 6/5-1П. Heidelberg: Deckers Verlag, G. Schenk 1983.

7.26 CCITT: Recommendation G.742: Second order digital multiplex equipment operating at 8448 kbit/s and using positive justification, sowie:

Recommendation G.75I: Digital multiplex equipments operating at the third order bit rate of 34 368 kbit/s and the fourth order bit rate of 139 264 kbit/s and using positive justification. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.27 CCITT: Recommendation G.811: Timing requirements at the outputs of reference clocks and network nodes suitable for plesiochronous operation of international digital links Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.28 Basler, H.: Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und statistischen Methoden-lehie, 7. Aufl. Wurzburg, Wien: Physica-Verlag 1978, S 81-83.

7.29 Bocker, P.: Dateniibertragung, Band II: Einrichtungen und Systeme. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 1979, S. 191-197.

7.30 CCITT: Recommendation G.821: Error performance of an international connection forming part of an ISDN. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.31 CCITT: Recommendation X.50: Fundamental parameters of a multiplexing scheme for the international interface between synchronous data networks, sowie Recommendation X.5I: Fundamental parameters of a multiplexing scheme for the international interface between synchronous data networks using 10-bit envelope structure. Red Book, Vol. Vln.4, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.32 CCITT: Recommendation X.22: Multiplex DTE/DCE interface for user classes 3-6. Red Book, Vol. VIII.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.33 CCITT: Recommendation G.822: Controlled slip rate objectives on an international digital connection. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.34 CCITT: Recommendation G.I 14: Mean one-way propagation time. Red Book, Vol. III.I,Genf: ITU 1985.

7.35 CCITT: Recommendation G.823: The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

7.36 CCITT: Recommendation О 171: Specification lor instrumentation to measure timing jitter on digital equipment. Red Book, Vol. IV.4. Geiif: iTU 1985.

7.37 CCITT: Recommendation 1.340: ISDN connection types. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Gent: ITU 1985.

К главе 8

8.1 Raab, G.: ISDN-Kommunikationssysteme und ihr Zusammenwirken mit dem offent-lichen ISDN, telcom rep. 8 (1985) Sonderh. „Diensteintegrierendes Digitalnetz ISDN", 57-63.

8.2 Auel, R.: Verkehrsmessung in Kommunikationssystemen EMS 600 und EMS 12000. telcom rep. 5 (1982) 293-297.

8.3 Anders, K. E.; Evers, R.: Untersuchung des Verhaltens det Teilnehmer am offentlicher Fernsprechverkehr. Technischer Bericht Nr. 185. Berlin; Heinrich-Hertz-Institut Berlin-Charlottenburg 1975.

8.4 Kraus, C. E.: Meeting the Public Communications Needs. Telecommun. J. 41 (1974) No. 3, pp. 185-190.

8.5 Information Technology Advisory Program. 1986 Summer Conference June 24/25 Munich. Proceedings. Gartner Group, Inc., Stamfort, CT 06902, USA.

8.6 CCITT: Recommendation T.IOl: International interworking for Videotex services. Red Book, Vol. VII.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

8.7 CEPT: Recommendation T/CD 06-01: Videotex presentation layer data syntax. Issue 2, Sept. 1983.

8.8 Kammerlander, K.: C900 - An advanced mobile radio telephone system with optimum frequency utilization. IEEE Trans. VT-33, No. 3 (1984) 205-213.

8.9 Schwarz, H.-J.: Ein Autotelefon fiir Skandinavien. Funkschau (1982) H. 2, S. 48-50


МККТТ. Красная книга. VIII Пленарная ассамблея/Международ, союз электросвязи.- 1984.- Вып. 11.5: Телематические службы - Общая эксплуатация и качество обслуживания. Рекомендации F.160-F.350 (Исследовательская комиссия 1).

То же.- Вып. VI. 5: Цифровые транзитные станции в интегральных цифровых сетях и смешанных аналого-цифровых сетях. Местные и смешанные цифровые станции. Рекомендации Q. 501-Q.517 (Исследовательская комиссия XI).

То же.- Вып. VI. 7: Требования к системе сигнализации № 7. Рекомендации Q.701-Q.714 (Исследовательская комиссия XI).

То же.- Вып. VI.8: Требования к системе сигнализации № 7. Рекомендации Q.721-Q.795 (Исследовательская комиссия XI).

То же.- Вып. VII. 3: Оконечное оборудование и протоколы для телематических служб. Рекомендации серии Т (Исследовательская комиссия VIII).

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