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3.9 Stormer, Н. u. a.: Verkehrstheorie, Grundlagen fur die Bemessung von Nachrichten-Vermittlungsanlagen. MUnchen, Wien: Oldenbourg 1966, S. 20-21.

3.10 Daisenberger, G.; Reger, J.; Wegmann, G.: Verkehrsmessung und -iiberwachung, ein Hilfsmittel fur Planung und Betrieb von Fernsprechvermittlungsstellen und -netzen. telcom rep. 4 (1981) 222-232.

3.11 Dietrich, G.: Telephone traffic model for common control investigations. 7. Internet. Teletraffic Congr. Stockholm 1973, Congr. Book, pp. 331/1-331/6.

3.12 Anders, K. E.; Evers, R.: Untersuchung des Verhaltens der Teilnehmer am offentlichen Fernsprechverkehr. Techn. Ber. Nr. 185, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut Berlin-Charlottenburg. Berlin 1975.

3.13 Kraus, C. E.: Meeting the publics communications needs. Telecommun. J. 41 (1974) 185-190.

3.14 Gimpelson, L.: Network transition strategies - analog to [DN to ISDN. Commun. internat. I98I. (June 1981) 43-46; (July 1981) 40-47.

3.15 Raab, G.; ISDN-Kommunikationssysteme und ihr Zusammenwirken mit dem offentlichen ISDN, telcom rep. 8 (1985), Sonderheft Diensteintegrierendes Digitalnetz ISDN, 59-63. i,

3 16 Fromm, J.: Local area networks - Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetze fur die Biirokommunika-tion. telcom rep. 5 (1982) 66-71.

3.17 Horing, K.; Bahr, K.; Struif, B.; Tiedemann, Ch.: Interne Netzwerke fur die Biirokommu-nikation. Heidelberg: Deckers Verlag, G. Schenk 1983, Кар. II, Abschn. 2.

3.18 Gerke, P.: Neue Kommunikationsnetze. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 1982, S. 202-205.

3.19 CCITT: Economic and Technical Aspects of the Choice of Telephone Switching Systems. Handbook, Genf: ITU 1981, pp. 54-55.

3.20 Schon, H.: Die Deutsche Bundespost auf ihrem Weg zum ISDN. Z. (. d. Post- und Fernmeldewes. 1984, H. 6, S. 20-30.

3.21 Schramel, F. J.: Trends in digital switching and ISDN. Telecommun. J. 49(1982) 421-429.

3.22 WiBmann, H.: Die Landespostdirektion Berlin, Z. f. d. Post- und Fernmeldewes. 1980, H 5 S.4-7.

3.23 Frensch, K. J.: Kommunikation via Kopemikus. Siemens Z. 58 (1984) 12-14.

3.24 Peter, E.: Eroffnet das Erganzende Femmeldenetz neue Kommunikationsmoglichkeiten? fernmelde prax. 61 (1984) 865-882.

3.25 Bocker, P.: Die Eingliederung von Satellitenstrecken in gegenwartige und zukunftige terrestrische Nachrichtennetze. Rev. FITCE 23 (1984) Nr. 2, S. 41-46.

3 26 Schweizer, L.: Performance of terrestrial and satellite 64kbit/s paths: requirements of voice and data, and standards of the future Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). IEEE [nternat. Conf on Commun., Boston 1983. Conf Rec. Vol. 1, 23-27

3.27 Claus, J.: Internationale ISDN Aktivitaten im europaischen Ausland im Vergleich zu den Aktivitaten der Deutschen Bundespost. Online 86, 9th European Congress Fair for Technical Communications, 5.-8. 2. 1986.

3.28 Oliver, G.: System X kniipft das dienstintegrierte Datennetz GroBbritanniens. Nachr.-techn. Z. 36(1983) 236-239. •

3.29 Kuwabara, M.: Japan is making INS a reality, telephony Oktober (1983) 64-81.

3.30 Cheung, J. В.; Fitzgerald, T. J.; Gonsalves, A. A.; OReilly, G. P.: ISDN: Evolutionary step to integrated access and transport services. Record, AT&T BeH Laboratories, November 1985.

К главе 4

4.1 CCITT: Recommendation 1.410: General aspects and principles relating to recommendations on ISDN user-network interfaces. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985

4.2 CCITT: Recommendation 1.411: ISDN user-network interfaces - reference configurations. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

4 3 CCITT: Recommendation X.21: Interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) for synchronous operation on public data networks. Red Book, Vol. VIII.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.4 CCITT: Recommendation X.25: Interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) for terminals operating in the packet mode and connected to public data networks by dedicated circuit. Red Book, Vol. Vin.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

4 5 Schollmeier, G.: (Jbertragungstechnik fiir den digitatlen TeilnehmeranschluB im ISDN.

telcom rep. 6 (1983) 182-183. 4 6 CCITT: Recommendation 1.461: Support of X.21 and X.21bis based data terminal

equipments (DTEs) by an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). Red Book,

Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985, (identisch CCITT-Empf. Х.ЗО. Red Book, Vol. VUI.3, Genf: ITU 1985).

4.7 CCITT: Recommendation 1.462: Support of packet mode terminal exquipment by an ISDN. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985. (identisch CCITT-Empf. X.31. Red Book, Vol, VIII.3, Genf: ITU 1985).

4.8 CCITT: Recommendation 1.463: Support of data terminal equipments (DTEs) with V-series type interfaces by an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985. (identisch CCITT-Empf. V.l 10. Red Book, Vol. VIII.l, Genf: ITU 1985).

4.9 CCITT: Recommendation 1.330: ISDN numbering and addressing principles. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.10 ISO Draft International Standard 8802/2, 3, 4: Local Area Networks.

4.11 CCITT: Recommendation 1.412: ISDN user-network interfaces - interface structures and access capabilities. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.12 CCITT; Recommendation Q.710: Use of Signalling System No. 7 for PABX application. Red Book, Vol. VI.7, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.13 CCITT: Recommendation 1.460: Multiplexing, rate adaption and support of existing interfaces. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.14 CCITT: Recommendation 1.464: Multiplexing, rate adaption and support of existing interfaces for restricted 64 kbit/s transfer capabilities. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.15 CCITT: Recommendation 1.430: Basic user-network interface - Layer 1 specification. Red Book, Vol. П1.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.16 Bocker, P.: Dateniibertragung, Band I: Grundlagen, 2. Aufl. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer 1983, S. I28f

4.17 CCITT: Recommendation 1.431: Primary rate user-nelwork interface - Layer I specification. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.18 CCITT: Recommendation G.703: Physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.19 CCITT: Recommendation G.704: Functional characteristics of interfaces associated with network nodes. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.20 CCITT: Recommendation G.735: Characteristics of primary PCM multiplex equipment operating at 2048 kbit/s and offering digital access at 384 kbit/s and/or synchronous digital access at 64 kbit/s. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985

4.21 CCITT: Recommendation G.737: Characteristics of an external access equipment operating at 2048 kbil/s offering digital access at 384 kbit/s and/or synchronous digital access at 64 kbit/s. Red Book, Vol. III.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.22 CCITT: Recommendation 1.320: ISDN protocol reference model. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.23 CCITT: Recommendation 1.420: Basic user-network interface. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

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4.24 CCITT: Recommendation 1.421: Primary rate user-network interface. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.25 CCITT: Recommendation X.200: Reference model of Open Systems Interconnection for CCITT applications. Red Book, Vol. VIII.5, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.26 DIN ISO International Standard 7498, 1984: Data processing - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic reference model.

4.27 CCITT: Recommendation I 440: ISDN user-network interface data link layer - General aspects. Red Book, Vol. 111.5, Genf: ITU 1985. (identisch CCITT-Empf. Q.920. Red Book, Vol. VI.9, Genf: ITU 1985).

4.28 CCITT: Recommendation 1.441: ISDN user-network interface data link layer specification. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985. (identisch CCITT-Empf. Q.921. Red Book, Vol. VI.9, Genf: ITU 1985).

4.29 CCITT: Recommendation 1.450: ISDN user-network interface layer 3 - General aspects. Red Book, Vol. III.5, Genf: ITU 1985. (identisch CCITT-Empf. Q.930. Red Book, Vol. VI.9, Genf: ITU 1985).

4.30 CCITT: ReccSnmendation 1.451: ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification. Red Book, Vol, 1II.5, Genf: ITU 1985. (identisch CCITT-Empf. Q.931. Red Book, Vol. VI.9, Genf: ITU 1985).

4.31 CCITT: Recommendation 1.331: Numbering plan for the ISDN era. Red Book, Vol. I1I.5, Genf: ITU 1985. (identisch CCITT-Empf. E.164. Red Book, Vol. II.2, Genf: ITU 1985).

4.32 CCITT: Recommendation E.163: Numbering plan for the international telephone service. Red Book, Vol. II.2, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.33 ISO International Standard 3309, 1979: Data Communication - High level data link control procedures - Frame structure.

4.34 ISO International Standard 4335, 1979: Data communication - High level data link control procedures - Elements of procedures.

4.35 ISO International Standard 7809, 1984: Data communication - Consolidation of HDLC classes of procedures.

4.36 CCITT: Recommendation X.75: Terminal and transit call control procedures and data transfer system on international circuits between packet-switched data networks. Red Book. Vol. V1II.4, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.37 CCITT: Recommendation T.70; Network-independent basic transport .service for the Telematic services. Red Book. Vol. VII.3, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.38 CCITT: Recommendation X.I: International user classes of service in public data networks and integrated services digital networks (ISDNs). Red Book, Vol. VIII.2, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.39 CCITT: Recommendation V.5: Standardization of data signalling rates for synchronous data transmission in the general switched telephone network. Red Book, Vol. VIII.l, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.40 CCITT: Recommendation X.121: International numbering plan for public data networks. Red Book, Vol. Vm.4, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.41 CCITT: Recommendation V.24: List of definitions for interchange circuits between data terminal equipmentand data circuit-terminating equipment. Red Book, Vol. VIII.l, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.42 CCITT; Recommendation V.25: Automatic calling and/or answering equipment on the general switched telephone network, including disabling of echo suppressors on manually established calls. Red Book, Vol. VIII.l, Genf: ITU 1985.

4.43 CCITT: Recommendation V.25 bis: Automatic calling and/or answering equipment on the general switched telephone network using the 100 series interchange circuits. Red Book, Vol. VIII.l, Genf: ITU 1985.

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